
吳錫昆/Wu, Shyi Kuen

  • 專長:脊椎生物力學、運動生理學、骨科,運動傷害與治療、人體動作分析
  • 國立成功大學醫學工程研究所博士
中華民國物理治療學會主治物理治療師證書 其他相關證照主治物理治療師證書
Redcord挪威泰洛比健康促進協會The Redcord Education Program懸吊運動訓練國際認證課程證書其他相關證照The Redcord Education Program懸吊運動訓練國際認證課程證書
1110730第一作者Outcomes of active cervical therapeutic exercise on dynamic intervertebral foramen changes in neck pain patients with disc herniationBMC Musculoskeletal DisordersSCI
1101129通訊作者Myofascial Treatment for Microcirculation in Patients with Postural Neck and Shoulder Pain.DiagnosticsSCI
1100301通訊作者The performance of ankle kinetics in individuals with gastrocnemius tightness during fast walk following the static stretch. Chinese Journal of Sports BiomechanicsTSSCI
1090729第一作者Gastrocnemius tightness affects hip and pelvic movement in gait. Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications.EI
1080601第一作者The Effect of Gastrocnemius Tightness on the Tensile Level of Muscle, the Ankle and the Knee Movement During WalkingFormosan Journal of Physical Therapy Vol. 44, No. 2, pp. 53-61 (June, 2019)各學院認定之優良專業領域期刊(國內期刊)
1080601第一作者Acute effect of stretch on gait pattern and gastrocnemius muscle length during fast walkingPhysical Education JournalTSSCI
1061201第二作者Feasibility and Test-Retest Reliability of Axial Motor Performance Measurement Using a Pressure Sensor Unit in Adolescents with and without Idiopathic ScoliosisFormosan Journal of Physical Therapy各學院認定之優良專業領域期刊(國內期刊)
1060728第三作者Comparison of Segmental Spinal Movement Control in Adolescents with and without Idiopathic Scoliosis Using Modified Pressure Biofeedback UnitPLOS ONESCI
1060517第三作者Comprehension of handwriting development: Pen-gripkinetics in handwriting tasks and its relation to fine motorskills among school-age childrenAustralian Occupational Therapy Journal SCI
1060510第一作者 Metabolic characteristics and renal dysfunction in 65 patients with tophi prior to gout. Clinical RheumatologySCI
1050917第二作者Effects of hand span size and right-left hand side on the piano playing performances: Exploration of the potential risk factors with regard to piano-related musculoskeletal disordersInternational Journal of Industrial ErgonomicsSCI
1041207第三作者Patients with secondary hip-spine syndrome having surgeries of hip and spine in Taiwan: The investigation of unnecessary spine surgeryFormosan Journal of Musculoskeletal Disorders各學院認定之優良專業領域期刊(國際期刊)
1040124第二作者Lateral Capsular Release for Acute Elbow Extension Deficit in a Child with Congenital Radioulnar SynostosisJournal of Pediatric OrthopaedicsSCI
1031020第一作者The effectiveness of essential oils for neck pain subjects: A randomized controlled studyJournal of Alternative and Complementary MedicineSCI
1031015第二作者Assessing the mobility of the mandibular condyle by sonographyPatient Preference and AdherenceSCI
1030930第二作者New Technique to Treat Chronic Recurrent Gluteal Myofascial Pain – a Pilot Study for Percutaneous Fascia ReleaseEvidence-Based Complementary and Alternative MedicineSCI
1030924第二作者Clinical Characteristics of and Relationship Between Metabolic Components and Renal Function Among Patients with Early-onset Juvenile Tophaceous GoutClinical RheumatologySCI
1030812第一作者The shift of segmental contribution ratio in patients with herniated disc during cervical lateral bendingBMC Musculoskeletal DisordersSCI
1030528第二作者The Clinical Characteristics and the Relationship to Metabolic Components and Renal Function among Juvenile Tophaceous Gout PatientsThe Journal of RheumatologySCI
1030501第一作者Gastrocnemius inflexibility on foot progression angle and ankle kinetics during walkingClinical BiomechanicsSCI
1030407第三作者The application of age-predicted maximal heart rate in acute myocardial infarction patientsTaiwan Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation各學院認定之優良專業領域期刊(國內期刊)
1030407第四作者Effects of the type and direction of support surface perturbation on postural responsesJ Neuroeng RehabilSCI
1030101第一作者A novel assessment of flexibility by microcirculatory signalsSensorsSCI
1021226第三作者Traumatic Separation of the Distal Ulnar Physis in Children: A New Classification for Displaced Volar-Flexion Injuries Journal of Orthopaedic TraumaSCI
1021114第一作者The reproducibility comparison of two intervertebral translation measurements in cervical flexion-extensionThe Spine Journal SCI
1020215第四作者Postural Responses to Yaw rotation of Support Surface. [SCI] Gait & Posture SCI
1010915第三作者Analysis of Continuous Steering Movement Using a Motor-Based Quantification System. [SCI] Sensors SCI
1010422第三作者Electromechanical Delay of the Vastus Medialis Obliquus and Vastus Lateralis in Patients with Patellofemoral Pain SyndromeJournal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical TherapySCI
1010302第三作者Thorn-likecostalosteochondromapresenting as hemothorax in an adultFormosan Journal of Surgery其他
1010301第三作者Posteromedial dislocation of the elbow with lateral condyle fracture: The fractured lateral condyle adheres to the radial head. Formosan Journal of Musculoskeletal Disorders 各學院認定之優良專業領域期刊(國際期刊)
1001101第二作者A Large Laterally Displaced Osteochondral Fragment from Dislocated Patella: Case Report and Possible Mechanism.Formosan Journal of Musculoskeletal Disorders各學院認定之優良專業領域期刊(國內期刊)
0990801第四作者Dose-dependent and Ceiling Effects of Therapeutic Laser on Myofascial Trigger Spots in RabbitJournal of Musculoskeletal PainSCI
0990601第一作者Segmental Percentage Contributions of Cervical Spine during Different Motion Ranges of Flexion and Extension. Journal of Spinal Disorders and Techniques SCI
0981120通訊作者Gastrocnemius Tightness on Joint Angle and Work of Lower Extremity during Gait. Clinical Biomechanics [SCI] SCI
0981115通訊作者Comparison of the Intervertebral Disc Spaces between Axial and Anterior Lean Cervical Traction. European Spine Journal [SCI]SCI
0980401通訊作者Treatment of Piriformis Myofascial Pain Syndrome Related to Lumbar Facet Lesion: A Case Report.Taiwan Journal of Physical Medicine & RehabilitationTSSCI
0980106第四作者Treatment of upper cervical subluxation in pediatric patients. Accepted on 1/06, 2009; In Press. Manual Therapy Manual Therapy SCI
0971211第四作者Treatment of Lumbar Facet Lesion for Piriformis Syndrome: A Case Report. Accepted on 12/11, 2008; In Press. Taiwan Journal of Physical Medicine & RehabilitationTaiwan Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation各學院認定之優良專業領域期刊(國內期刊)
0971120第二作者Quantitative Application of Transverse Friction Massage and Its Neurological Effects on Flexor Carpi RadialisManual TherapySCI
0970411第三作者Hippotherapy on Gross Motor Function in a Child with Hopotonic Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy- a 1-year Follow-up. Accepted on 3/16, 2008; In Press. Taiwan Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Taiwan Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 其他
0970401第二作者Early Development in Williams Syndrome. Pediatrics InternationalSCI
0970401第一作者The Influence of Muscular Tightness of Gastrocnemius on the Ankle Joint Reaction Force during Gait. HungKuang Journal弘光學報
0960901第一作者The Quantitative Measurements of the Intervertebral Angulation and Translation during Cervical Flexion and Extension.European Spine JournalSCI
0960601第一作者The Feasibility of a Video-Based Motion Analysis System in Measuring the Segmental Movements between Upper and Lower Cervical Spine. Gait & PostureSCI
0951120第二作者The improvement of upper limbs function in the elders after the Hula Hands intervention. HungKuang Journal弘光學報
0950920第一作者Cardiac Rehabilitation vs. Home Exercise After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery: A Comparison of Heart Rate Recovery. American Journal of Physical Medicine & RehabilitationSCI
0941030第一作者Therapeutic Effect on the Change of Gait Performance in Chronic Calf Myofascial Pain Syndrome: A Time Series Case Study. Journal of Musculoskeletal PainSCI
0940930第一作者The Effect of Cardiac Rehabilitation on Recovery of Heart Rate over One Minute after Exercise in Patients with Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery. Clinical RehabilitationSCI
0940630第一作者The Change of Resting Heart Rate after Cardiac Rehabilitation in Patients with Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery. HungKuang Journal弘光學報
科技部案件(含教育部計劃)1121101 - 1140430主持人足部鞋墊設計對足部壓力影響分析-退化性膝關節炎注射板泌體之應用
科技部案件(含教育部計劃)1120801 - 1130731主持人緊張型頭痛之預防進展與療效監測: 肌肉治療性運動和神經動力學介入
科技部案件(含教育部計劃)1100801 - 1110731主持人肩頸上肢疼痛之椎間盤患者的治療效益分析: 肌肉與神經超音波及血流評估系統研發與臨床應用
產學計畫案(私人企業或法人機構之案件)1091201 - 1111130共同主持人整合虛擬實境的平衡指標之發展計畫
產學計畫案(私人企業或法人機構之案件)1091001 - 1110930主持人膕旁肌群緊繃關節力矩影響分析-高齡者膝退化性關節炎預防應用
科技部案件(含教育部計劃)1090801 - 1100731主持人頸因性頭痛的治療效益分析:超音波影像及血流循環評估系統研發與臨床應用
科技部案件(含教育部計劃)1080801 - 1090731主持人肌筋膜治療對姿勢性肩頸疼痛的治療效益分析:血流循環及脊椎影像評估 系 統研發與臨床應用(2/2)
科技部案件(含教育部計劃)1070801 - 1080731主持人肌筋膜治療對姿勢性肩頸疼痛的治療效益分析:血流循環及脊椎影像評估 系 統研發與臨床應用(1/2)
科技部案件(含教育部計劃)1050801 - 1060731共同主持人以近紅外光光譜與雷射都卜勒血流計評估社區銀髮族秋冬季節之運動成效
科技部案件(含教育部計劃)1050801 - 1060731主持人姿勢性肩頸疼痛-治療效益評估與APP即時回饋治療運動應用
產學計畫案(私人企業或法人機構之案件)1030901 - 1040531主持人社群輕運動對社區銀髮族健康照護之成效評估
科技部案件(含教育部計劃)1030601 - 1040531共同主持人紅葡萄葉於人體血液循環與力學系統之功效研究
產學計畫案(私人企業或法人機構之案件)1020901 - 1030531主持人紅葡萄葉乳液產品之臨床人體溫度試驗
科技部案件(含教育部計劃)1010801 - 1030731主持人對椎間盤突出或肌肉起源之機械性頸部疼痛的治療效益探討(2/3)
科技部案件(含教育部計劃)1010801 - 1020731主持人以雷射都卜勒血流計測量之微循環血流應用於痠痛評估與保暖效果之研究
產學計畫案(私人企業或法人機構之案件)1010306 - 1011130主持人創新人因調整復健鞋開發計畫
科技部案件(含教育部計劃)1000801 - 1010731主持人對椎間盤突出或肌肉起源之機械性頸部疼痛的治療效益探討(1/3)
學發會計畫1000101 - 1001231主持人後小腿牽拉運動對於行走時關節反作用力的影響
學發會計畫0990101 - 0991231主持人幾何中平面法與旋轉矩陣法對脊椎間位移的量測比較
學發會計畫0980101 - 0981231共同主持人McKenzie治療方式對於椎間盤突出形式頸椎疼痛患者之臨床療效
科技部案件(含教育部計劃)0970801 - 0990731主持人頸椎側彎之連續性椎體間動作探討
科技部案件(含教育部計劃)0960801 - 0990731共同主持人物理因子對於羊水間質幹細胞治療坐骨神經損傷之協同作用(96-2314-B-241-001-MY3)
科技部案件(含教育部計劃)0960501 - 0970731主持人頸椎彎曲伸展時連續性局部動作之定量測量
學發會計畫0960101 - 0961231主持人討強迫性游泳運動影響羊水間質幹細胞治療大鼠坐骨神經截斷損傷的情形
科技部案件(含教育部計劃)0950801 - 0960731共同主持人運動及電刺激對於神經幹細胞治療坐骨神經損傷的功能恢復效果
科技部案件(含教育部計劃)0950801 - 0960731共同主持人靜態坐姿之頭、頸、肩姿勢分析與矯正: 以肌電訊號及平面影像為基礎之姿勢評估系統研發與臨床應用
0950101 - 0951231主持人攝影動作分析系統對於上,下頸椎局部動作測量之可行性The feasibility of a video-based motion analysis system on measuring the segmental spinal movements
0950101 - 0951231主持人小腿肌筋膜緊繃於步態期間對於關節反作用力的影響The influence of calf myofascial tightness on the joint reaction forces during gait
0940801 - 0950731共同主持人偏癱患者對支持面干擾之姿勢反應及踝足矯具對姿勢反應之效應
0940801 - 0950731共同主持人正中神經施加操作治療技術之神經生理效應量化分析
0940101 - 0941231共同主持人神經幹細胞包埋於組織膠治療坐骨神經損傷
0930801 - 0941231共同主持人站立支持面干擾之姿勢反應的肌電圖與生物力學分析
1120916第三作者Immediate Changes in Ankle Foot Gait Patterns Following Stretching in Patients With Gastrocnemius Tightness 社團法人臺灣物理治療學會第86次學術論文研討會及繼續教育研討會
1120916通訊作者The Influence of Deep Friction Massage on Chronic Neck Shoulder Pain社團法人臺灣物理治療學會第86次學術論文研討會及繼續教育研討會
1120318第一作者Effects of Manual Stretching on Pelvic Movements in Patients With Tight Gastrocnemius During Fast Walking社團法人臺灣物理治療學會第85次學術論文研討會及繼續教育研討會
1110924第三作者The effect of gastrocnemius stretch on hip joint movement during fast walking社團法人臺灣物理治療學會第84次學術論文研討會及繼續教育研討會
1090901通訊作者The Tensile Level of Tight Gastrocnemius Affect the Hip Joint Movement in GaitThe 80th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan), Taipei, TAIWAN. Sept., 2020.
1090314第一作者The Influence of Intervertebral Foramen and Disc Structures Upon Neck Muscle Pain Threshold and ToleranceThe 79th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan)Taipei, TAIWAN. Mar. 2020
1080921第三作者The Effect of Tensile Level in Tight Gastrocnemius on The Knee Joint Moments During WalkingThe 78th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan)Kaohsiung, TAIWAN. Sept., 2019.
1080921第一作者The Effect of Poor Neck Posture on Cervical Spine: Application of Rehabilitation Exercises.The 78th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan)Kaohsiung, TAIWAN. Sept., 2019.
1080326第一作者The effect of calf muscle tightness on knee joint moment during the Gait CycleThe 77th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan), Taipei, TAIWAN. Mar. 26, 2019
1070324第一作者Estimatation of Gastrocnemius Muscle Length during Gait in Patient with Tight Gastrocnemius75th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy, Association of ROC (Taiwan), , . March 24, 2018
1070324通訊作者The Length Tension Relationship of Hamstring during the Gait Cycle75th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy, Association of ROC (Taiwan), , . March 24, 2018
1060318第一作者The effect of hamstring tightness on knee medial-lateral stability in gait stance phase. 73th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy, Association of ROC (Taiwan), , . March 18, 2017
1050924第一作者The effect of myofascial release on the cervical intervertebral foramenThe 72th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan)
1040905第一作者The Effect of the Myofascia Release for the Cervical MobilityThe 70th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan)
1040905第一作者The Influence of the Hamstring Tightness to the Maximum Torque of the Hamstring and Quadriceps during the Stance Phase in Gait The 70th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan)
1040321第一作者The Effects of the Cervical Retraction Exercise for the Intervertebral Foramen.The 69th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan)
1040321第一作者The Effect of Iliopsoas Myofascial Release on Hip Joint Angle during Gait.The 69th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan)
1030722第一作者The comparison of segmental movement between healthy subjects and patients with herniated disc during cervical lateral bending exercise. The 3rd International Conference on Life Science & Biological Engineering 2014,
1020707第一作者The influence of the hamstring myofascial release on ground reaction force during gait31st Conference of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports
1020703第一作者Digital Measurement of Intervertebral Translation in Cervical Spine The 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
1010922第三作者 Effects of Related factors on maximal heart rate in Patients with acute myocardial infarction: A Preliminary study. The 65th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan
1010922第一作者The Influence of Gastrocnemius flexibility on Foot Progression Angle during Gait. The 65th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan)
1010719第三作者EMG Analysis of Two Parts of Pectoralis Major Muscle during Muscle Strength Testing, ISEK 2012 Biennial Congress,
1010321第三作者The Influence of Gastrocnemius Tightness on Pelvic Motion during Gait. The 64th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan),
1001021通訊作者Aromatherapy to relief neck/shoulder stiffness and pain assessment2011 International Cosmetic-Tech Conference
1001021通訊作者The Influence of Gastrocnemius Tightness on Hip Joint Moment during Gait. 2011 International Biomechanics Conference and Annual Meeting of Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics
1000924第二作者Test-retest Reliability of the 6-Minute Walk Test in Healthy Preschool Children: Preliminary ResultsThe 63th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan),
1000924第一作者 The Effect of Iliopsoas Tightness on the Hip Joint Force during Walking.The 63th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan),
1000818通訊作者Reliability comparison study for intervertebral motion measurement. The 5th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering,
0991028第三作者Effect of rapid turning on knee joint kinematics during human walkingThe 4th International Symposium & Workshop on Virtual Interactive Musculoskeletal System
0991014第四作者The Effects of Functional Reach on Postural Control in Stroke Patients. International Conference on Applied Bionics and Biomechanics
0990926第一作者The Effect of Hamstring Stretching on the Knee Joint Force during WalkingThe 61th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan)
0990801第一作者The effect of anterior-lean cervical traction on the intervertebral disc spaces6th World Congress of Biomechanics
0980926第一作者The joint work in the lower extremity during fast walking. The 59th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan), Tainan, TAIWAN. Sept. 26, 2009.The 59th Academic Conference of the Physi
0980926第一作者The investigation of the continuous intervertebral translation movements during cervical lateral bending. The 59th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan)
0980926第一作者Comparison of subjects with gastrocnemius tightness and young healthy adults on joint work of lower extremity. The 59th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan)
0980418第四作者Dose-dependent and Ceiling Effects of Therapeutic Laser on Myofascial Trigger Spots in Rabbit Skeletal Muscles. 2009 International Symposium of New Trends in Musculoskeletal Pain.
0980307第四作者Intra-limb Coordination at Normal and Enhanced Walking Cadence in Healthy Young AdultsThe 58th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan)
0980307第四作者Cardiopulmonary responses to isokinetic concentric exercise of the quadriceps/hamstrings in elder health humans. The 58th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of ROC
0970927第一作者The segmental contribution model in different angular ranges of cervical flexion-extension The 57th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan)
0970927第二作者Low power laser on functional recovery of sciatic nerve repaired with amniotic fluid mesenchymal stem cellsThe 57th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan)
0970927第一作者The ankle joint force during walking in persons with calf muscle tightnessThe 57th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan)
0970419第三作者Hypothermia on functional recovery of crushed sciatic nerve repaired with amniotic mesenchymal stem cells.The 56th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan), Taipei, TAIWAN. Ap
0961106第一作者Segmental angular motion in cervical flexion and extension. The Third Asian Pacific Conference on Biomechanics (APB)
0961020第四作者Effect of partial body-weight-supported treadmill walking training on motor ability and gait in children with developmental disability – a preliminary report. The 55th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of ROC
0961020第四作者Hippotherapy with the sitting backwards and prone propped positions on gross motor function in atonic cerebral palsy – a 1-year follow-up case report. The 55th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of ROC
0960701第一作者The interverterbral translations during cervical flexion and extension. he XXIth Congress of International Society of Biomechanics (ISB)
0960422第三作者Effects of electrical stimulation in a crushed sciatic nerve treated by amniotic mesenchymal stem cell. The 54th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan)
0950924第一作者The validity and reliability of surface markers on measuring the upper and lower cervical posture. , . Sept. 24, 2006The 53th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan)
0950924第一作者The comparison of heart rate recovery between the cardiac rehabilitation and home-based exercise programs. The 53th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan)
0950729第一作者The validity assessment of surface markers on measuring the vertebral angles in cervical spine.5th World Congress of Biomechanics
0950729第四作者Chiung-Ling Chen , Fong-Chin Su, Hong-Wen Wu, Shyi-Kuen Wu, Kwok-Tak Yeung (2006) Joint coordination during platform translation.5th World Congress of Biomechanics
0950326第二作者Effects of exercise on functional recovery of neuronal stem cell transplantation into a transected rat sciatic nerve. The 52th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan), Taipei, TAIWAN. Mar. 26, 2006The 52th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan)
0941001第一作者The Enhancement of Heart Rate Recovery after the Exercise-Based Cardiac Rehabilitation Program. The 2nd International Symposium on Recent Advances in Sports Medicine
0941001第一作者The Neck Motion Analysis Model on Measuring the Spinal Segmental Movements in Sagittal Plane. The 2nd International Symposium on Recent Advances in Sports Medicine
0940925第一作者The Feasibility of Motion Analysis System on Evaluating the Upper and Lower Cervical Joint Angles. The 51th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan)
0940925第二作者The neuroprotective effect of exercises by the suppression of neuronal nitric oxide synthase in experimental spinal cord injury. The 51th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan)
0940925第二作者A 3D analysis of hindlimb motion during locomotion in rats after a repair of the sciatic nerve gap with neuronal stem cell embedded in fibrin glue. The 51th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan)
0940925第三作者 Endplate noise in Acupuncture Point. The 51th Academic Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan)
0940731第二作者Momentum Transfer of Trunk and Upper Extremity in Tennis Backhand Stroke. XXth Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics and 29th Annual Meeting of the American S
0940731第一作者The Kinetic Changes of Gait across Calf Myofascial Intervention. XXth Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics and 29th Annual Meeting of the American S
1040211Marquis Who's Who in the World 2016Marquis第一作者參加國際
0980720世界名人錄 Marquis Who's Who in Medicine and Healthcare 2009-2010參加其他
1130226指導專題2024 年全國技專校院 學生實務專題製作競賽暨成果展深層摩擦按摩對於肌肉血流、疼痛閾值的影響-緊縮型頭痛之應用
1121229得獎壁報競賽112 學年度學生專題研究競賽 口頭發表-學術組The influence of Deep friction massage on pain threshold & blood flow of muscles-The application of Tension-type headache
1121229得獎壁報競賽112 學年度學生專題研究競賽 海報製作-學術組The effectiveness of Multiaxial Ankle Training System
1120111得獎壁報競賽111年醫療健康學院學生專題研究競賽海報製作-學術組The effect of foot arch exercises on flatfoot subjects gait
1120111得獎壁報競賽 111年醫療健康學院學生專題研究競賽口頭發表-學術組The Influence of Deep Friction Massage on Chronic Neck Shoulder Pain
1110106得獎專題 The influence of iliotibial band tightness on lower limb angulation and coordination
1110106得獎專題 The Influence of Stretching Therapy for Cervicogenic Headache
1081220得獎專題醫療健康學院專題研究競賽The influence of tight hamstring muscles on the knee joint frontal plane stability during gait
1081220得獎專題醫療健康學院專題研究競賽The Influence of Intervertebral Foramen and Disc Structures upon Neck Muscle Pain Threshold and Tolerance
1070324指導專題 臺灣物理治療學會學術研討會膕旁肌群在步態時期之肌肉長度張力特性
1030320得獎專題 102年度學生專題研究競賽頸部回縮動作對椎間孔空間之影響-椎間盤突出病人之臨床研究
1030320得獎壁報競賽 102年度學生專題研究競賽肌筋膜鬆動術對髂腰肌緊繃者髖關節行走角度之影響
1011201得獎其他競賽 班際大隊接力競賽班際大隊接力競賽
1010503指導其他競賽 強化產學合作研究成果反饋課程與提攜學生專題計畫正常人與椎間盤突出病患頸椎側偏貢獻比率之差異
1010329得獎壁報競賽100學年度弘光科技大學醫護學院學生專題研究競賽Thw segmental contribution ratio in healthy subjects and patient with herniated disc during cervical lateral bending
1000503指導其他競賽 強化產學合作研究成果反饋課程與提攜學生專題計畫膝關節伸展運動對膝關節步態運動學和關節力矩之影響
1000421得獎專題99 學年度弘光科技大學醫護學院學生專題研究競賽腰大肌緊縮者於行走時髖關節受力之影響[5位]
0980926指導壁報競賽第59次學術研討會Comparison of subjects with gastrocnemius tightness and young healthy adults[2位]
0980926指導壁報競賽第59次學術研討會The investigation of the continuous intervertebral translation movements during cervical lateral bending[3位]
0980926指導壁報競賽第59次學術研討會The joint work in the lower extremity during fast walking[6位]
0970927指導壁報競賽第57次學術研討會The ankle joint force during walking in persons with calf muscle tightness
指導專題中華民國物理治療學會學術研討會The Effect of Hamstring Stretching on the Knee Joint Force during Walking[8位]
0960801第一作者(或通訊作者)The Validation of Video-Based Motion Analysis System on Measuring Intervertebral Angulations and the