
葉桂鶯/Yeh, Kuei Ying

  • 國立台灣大學生理學研究所博士
  • 國防醫學院生物暨解剖學研究所解剖學組碩士
  • 中山醫學院護理學系學士
1110810通訊作者Protective Effects of Epigallocatechin Gallate for Male Sexual Dysfunction in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic RatsINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCESSCI
1090828通訊作者Low-Frequency Electroacupuncture at Acupoints Guanyuan (CV4) and Zhongji (CV3) Lengthen Ejaculatory Latency and Improves Sexual Behavior in Male RatsCHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGYSCI
1080426通訊作者Neuronal nitric oxide synthase activity mediates Lycium barbarum polysaccharides-enhanced sexual performance without stimulating noncontact erection in rats.PsychopharmacologySCI
1070724第二作者Investigation of Interactive Activity of Electro-Acupuncture on Pharmacokinetics of Sildenafil and Their Synergistic Effect on Penile Blood Flow in RatsInternational Journal o f Molecular SciencesSCI
1041001通訊作者Estradiol enhances the acquisition of lithium chloride-induced conditioned taste aversion in castrated male ratsSci Nat (Naturwissenschaften )SCI
1040210第一作者Effect of Ginkgo Biloba extract on Lipopolysaccharides-induced Anhedonic Depressive-like Behavior in Male RatsPhytotherapy research SCI
1030101通訊作者Regional and subtype-specific loss of GnRH neurons is associated with diminished mating behavior in middle-aged male rats Behavioural Brain Research SCI
1010818第一作者Ginkgo biloba treatment increases copulation but not nNOS activity in the medialNeuroscience LettersSCI
1010701第一作者Noncontact erection is enhanced by Ginkgo biloba treatmentPsychopharmacologySCI
1010425第三作者Blockade of metabotropic glutamate receptors inhibits cognition andPharmacology, Biochemistry and BehaviorSCI
1000825第一作者Ginkgo biloba extract enhances noncontact erection in rats, the role of dopamine in the paraventricular nucleus and the mesolimbic systemNeuroscienceSCI
1000818第一作者Ginkgo biloba treatment increases copulation but not nNOS activity in the medial preoptic area in male rats.Neuroscience LettersSCI
1000601第四作者Effects of d-cycloserine on MPTP induced behavioral and neurological changes: potential for treatment of Parkinson's disease dementia Behavior Brain ResearchSCI
0990701第一作者 Ginkgo biloba extract treatment increases noncontact erections and central dopamine levels in rats: role of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and the medial preoptic areaPsychopharmacologySCI
0981214第一作者Different subregions of the medial preoptic area are separately involved in the regulation of copulation and sexual incentive motivation in male rats: a behavioral and morphological studyBehav Brain ResSCI
0980801第三作者Male Sexual Behavior and Brain Catecholamine Levels in Middle-Aged RatsChin J PhysiolSCI
0971201第二作者Effects of alcohol on the mouse-killing behavior of olfactory bulbectomized ratsChin J PhysiolSCI
0970701第三作者Correlation of catecholamine levels in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and reduced sexual behavior in middle-aged male ratsJ Gerontol A Biol Sci Med SciSSCI
0970101第一作者Ginkgo biloba extract enhances male copulatory behavior and reduces serum prolactin levels in ratsHormones and BehaviorSCI
0961212第三作者Male sexual behavior and catecholamine levels in the medial preoptic area and arcuate nucleus in middle-aged rats Brain ResearchSCI
0941115第二作者Responses of microglia in vitro to the gram-positive bacterial component, lipoteichoic acidJournal of Neuroscience ResearchSCI
0940801第二作者Signal transduction pathways of nitric oxide release in primary microglial culture challenged with gram-positive bacterial constituent, lipoteichoic acidNeuroscienceSCI
學發會計畫1130103 - 1131231共同主持人探討小分子抗氧化物調節免疫細胞功能及抗發炎應用於治療乾癬及其分子機轉的研究
科技部案件(含教育部計劃)1120801 - 1130731主持人從內源性大麻系統探討茶胺酸對脂多醣誘發大鼠情緒行為障礙的保護作用
學發會計畫1120104 - 1121231共同主持人建立紅斑性狼瘡實驗動物模型並探討新穎小分子藥物治療紅斑狼瘡腎炎之療效
科技部案件(含教育部計劃)1100801 - 1110731主持人螺旋藻對壓力或免疫刺激誘發大鼠情緒行為障礙作用之影響
科技部案件(含教育部計劃)1090801 - 1100731主持人兒茶素(EGCG)對糖尿病鼠抗憂鬱的影響(2/2)
政府其他部會之案件1090101 - 1091231共同主持人枸杞多糖對大鼠憂鬱症行為以及腦內化學變化之研究
科技部案件(含教育部計劃)1080801 - 1090731主持人兒茶素(EGCG)對糖尿病鼠抗憂鬱的影響(1/2)
政府其他部會之案件1080101 - 1081231共同主持人枸杞多糖體對於糖尿病性功能障礙大鼠之研究
科技部案件(含教育部計劃)1070801 - 1080731主持人兒茶素對鏈脲佐菌素誘發糖尿病鼠勃起功能障礙之研究
政府其他部會之案件1070101 - 1071231共同主持人兒茶素EGCG 對前列腺性神經損傷之大鼠性功能恢復的影響
科技部案件(含教育部計劃)1060801 - 1070731主持人兒茶素對鏈脲佐菌素誘發糖尿病鼠性功能障礙之研究
科技部案件(含教育部計劃)1050801 - 1060731主持人銀杏萃取物對應激雄性大鼠性行為的影響
科技部案件(含教育部計劃)1040801 - 1050731主持人探討枸杞萃取物於生命早期壓力對成年雄性大鼠性行為的影響
政府其他部會之案件1040101 - 1041231共同主持人【針灸及威而鋼對雄性大鼠性行為引起腦部c-FOS變化之研究
科技部案件(含教育部計劃)1030801 - 1040731主持人 探討枸杞萃取物於禁錮壓力對雄性大鼠性行為影響的作用
科技部案件(含教育部計劃)1020801 - 1030731共同主持人臺俄(RU)國合計畫-老化所引發之神經退化與行為缺陷之關係:探討薯蕷皂?之保 護功能(3/3)
科技部案件(含教育部計劃)1020801 - 1030731主持人 枸杞萃取物對雄性性功能的影響
科技部案件(含教育部計劃)1010801 - 1020731共同主持人台俄國合計畫-老化所引發之神經退化與行為缺陷之關係:探討薯蕷皂?之保護功能(2/3): 第二年
科技部案件(含教育部計劃)1010801 - 1020731主持人枸杞對雄性大鼠性行為的影響
產學計畫案(私人企業或法人機構之案件)1010401 - 1020331主持人銀杏萃取物對類憂鬱行為之影響
產學計畫案(私人企業或法人機構之案件)1010401 - 1020331主持人薯蕷皂苷對雄性性行為的作用
科技部案件(含教育部計劃)1000801 - 1010731共同主持人台俄國合計畫-老化所引發之神經退化與行為缺陷之關係:探討薯蕷皂甘之保護功能-第一年
科技部案件(含教育部計劃)0990801 - 1000731主持人銀杏萃取物對社交隔離所引起之行為缺陷的影響
1120615通訊作者Protective effects of epigallocatechin gallate on LPS-induced inflammatory model of depression in ratsThe 9th Joint Symposium
1050326第一作者The role of central nNOS in copulatory behavior of sexually experienced male rats following Lycium barbarum polysaccharide treatment第31屆生物醫學聯合學術年會
1020323第一作者Effects of Lycium Barbarum polysaccharide on male copulatory behavior in rats第28界生物醫學學術聯會
1010317通訊作者Effect of Ginkgo Biloba extract on lipopolysaccharides-induced depressive-like behavior in male rats: focus on anhedonia 第27屆生物醫學學術聯會
1001111通訊作者Role of metabotropic glutamate receptors in cognitive function and neurodegeneration in mptp-induced parkinson’s rat model.The 7th Congress of the Federation of Asian and Oceanian Physiological Societies.
1000319第四作者NMDA receptors are involved in behavioral deficits in animal model of Parkinson's disease第26屆生物醫學聯合學術年會
0990526第二作者Effects of melatonin or coenzyme Q10 on the nitric oxide system and antioxidant enzymes in the hypobaric hypoxic rat hippocampusIASCBC
0990327第三作者Progesterone reverses estradiol-induced impairment of saptial learning in castrated male rats第25屆生物醫學學術聯會
0980328第一作者nNOS in the Paraventricular Nucleus and Sacral Spinal Cord Enhances the Noncontact Erection and Copulatory Performance in Male Rats Following Ginkgo Treatment第24屆生物醫學學術聯會
0980328第二作者Short-term sleep deprivation enhances spatial learning in the Morris water maze in male adult rats.第24屆生物醫學學術聯會
0970329第一作者Dissociation of sexual motivation and copulatory performance in male rat sexual behavior第23屆生物醫學學術聯會
1130413指導專題 Physiology of the respiratory system (ventilation)
1130413指導專題 Special sense
1130413指導專題 Physiology of the cardiovascular system (EKG & CO)
1130413指導專題 Muscle physiology I (Steps/mechanisms of skeletal muscle contraction)
1130413指導其他競賽 Muscle physiology II (energy metabolism and aging)
1130413指導專題 Neuroanatomy I (CNS: cortex, glial cells and basal ganglia)
1130413指導專題 Neuroanatomy II (CNS: diencephalon, brain stem, and cerebellum)
1130413指導專題 Neuroanatomy III (PNS: spinal N & cranial N)
1130413指導專題 Neuroanatomy III (PNS: spinal N & cranial N)
1130413指導專題 Neuroanatomy and neurophysiology (ANS)
1130413指導專題 Neurophysiology I (AP & synaptic physiology)
1130413指導專題 Neurophysiology II (reflex & neuropathway)
1120311指導專題 Special sense
1120311指導專題 Neurophysiology II (reflex & neuropathway)
1120311指導專題 Neurophysiology I (AP & synaptic physiology)
1120311指導專題 Neuroanatomy and neurophysiology (ANS)
1120311指導專題 Physiology of the respiratory system (ventilation)
1120311指導專題 Neuroanatomy I (CNS)
1120311指導專題 Muscle physiology II (energy metabolism and aging)
1120311指導專題 Muscle physiology I (Steps/mechanisms of skeletal muscle contraction)
1120311指導專題 Physiology of the cardiovascular system (EKG & CO)
1120311指導專題 Neuroanatomy II (PNS: spinal N & cranial N)
1110409指導專題 Endocrine + extra (epithelium, skin)
1110409指導專題 Blood, immune system, and lymph system
1110409指導專題 Urology/reproduction (anatomy & physiology)
1110409指導專題 Anatomy/physiology of the digestive system
1110409指導專題 Physiology of the respiratory system
1110409指導專題 Anatomy of the respiratory system
1110409指導專題 Physiology of the cardiovascular system
1110409指導專題 Anatomy of the cardiovascular system
1110409指導專題 Special sense (anatomy & physiology)
1110409指導專題 Neurophysiology (including pathway)
1110409指導專題 Muscle physiology (including energy metabolism)
1110409指導專題 Neuroanatomy (CNS + PNS)
1100410指導專題 Anatomy of the respiratory system
1100410指導專題 Muscle physiology (including energy metabolism)
1100410指導專題 Special sense (anatomy & physiology)
1100410指導專題 Anatomy of the cardiovascular system
1100410指導專題 Physiology of the cardiovascular system
1100410指導專題 Neuroanatomy (CNS + PNS)
1091228得獎壁報競賽醫療健康 學院 1098 學年度學生專題 研究 競賽兒茶素對糖尿病鼠類憂鬱行為 的保護作用
1090502指導專題 Special sense (anatomy & physiology)
1090502指導專題 Urology/reproduction (anatomy & physiology)
1090502指導專題 Muscle physiology (including energy metabolism)
1090502指導專題 Neuroanatomy (CNS + PNS)
1090502指導專題 Endocrine + extra (epithelium, skin)
1081220得獎壁報競賽醫療健康 學院 10 8 學年度學生專題 研究 競賽比較高頻與低頻電刺激關元穴及中極穴對雄性大鼠性行為的影響
1080413指導專題專題Muscle physiology (including energy metabolism)
1080413指導專題 Anatomy of the cardiovascular system
1080413指導專題 Special sense (anatomy & physiology)
1080413指導專題專題Neuroanatomy (CNS + PNS)
1071214得獎專題醫療健康 學院 10 7 學年度學生專題 研究 競賽兒茶素 ( 對糖尿病鼠性 功能障礙的保護作用
1070414指導專題 Neuroanatomy (CNS + PNS)
1070414指導專題 Special sense (anatomy & physiology)
1070414指導專題 Anatomy of the cardiovascular system
1070414指導專題 Physiology of the cardiovascular system
1060309得獎壁報競賽醫護學院學生專題發表競賽Effects of Lycium barbarum polysaccharide on early-life immobilization stress-induced impairment of male sexual behavior in adult rats
1051105指導專題專題The cardiovascular system (II): Physiology: cardiac conduction system & EKG
1051105得獎專題專題Bones (I): The axial skeleton
1051105指導專題專題Bones (II): The appendicular skeleton (including arches of the foot)
1051105指導專題專題Nervous system (I): Synapse and action potential (including EPSP/IPSP)
1050303得獎壁報競賽104學年度醫護學院學生專題研究競賽Improvement of copulatory performance in sexually experienced male rats after Lycium Barbarum polysaccharide treatment is associated with increased MPOA nNOS
1041017得獎專題專題Nervous system (I) Neuron/glial cells
1041017得獎專題專題The cardiovascular system (III) Physiology: cardiac cycle
1041017得獎專題專題The cardiovascular system (II) Physiology: cardiac conduction system & EKG
1041017得獎專題專題Nervous system ( IV ) PNS: cranial nerves
1041017得獎專題專題Nervous system (III) The central nervous system
1041017得獎專題專題Nervous system (II) Synapse and action potential (including EPSP/IPSP)
1040321指導專題專題討問Digestive system (anatomy & physiology)
1040321指導專題專題討論Anatomy of cardiovascular system
1040321指導專題專題討論Neurophysiology (including pathway)
1040321指導專題專題討論Muscle physiology (including energy metabolism)
1040321指導專題專題討論Physiology of cardiovascular system
1040321指導專題專題討論Respiratory system (anatomy & physiology)
1040321指導專題專題討論Special sense (anatomy & physiology)
1040312得獎壁報競賽103學年度醫護學院學生專題競賽(院長獎)High frequency electrical stimulation at the acupuncture point of Guanyuan diminishes ejaculatory behavior in sexually experienced male rats
1040312得獎壁報競賽專題競賽-口頭競賽The role of central nNOS in copulatory behavior of sexually experienced male rats following Lycium Barbarum polysaccharide treatment
1030920得獎專題專題討論Axial skeleton, appendicular skeleton
1030920指導專題專題Classification/function of the joints
1030920指導專題Upper limb
1030920指導專題Fundaments of the nervous system/tissue (neuron and glial cells)
1030920指導專題 Peripheral nervous system (including ANS)
1030920指導專題 Cardiac cycle & Heart murmur
1030920指導專題專題討論Physiology of respiration
1030920指導專題專題討論Anatomy of respiration
1030920指導專題 Bone, joint, muscle, nervous system
1030320得獎壁報競賽 醫護學院專題競賽Lycium Barbarum Polysaccharide increases sexual performance, but not noncontact erection in sexually experienced male rat
1030315指導專題 Physiology of cardiovascular system
1030315指導專題 Anatomy of cardiovascular system
1030315指導專題 Neurophysiology (including pathway)
1030315指導專題 Neuroanatomy (CNS + PNS)
1030315指導專題 Respiratory system (anatomy & physiology)
1030315指導專題 Physiology of cardiovascular system
1030315指導專題 Urology/reproduction (anatomy & physiology)
1030315指導專題 Digestive system (anatomy & physiology)
1030315得獎專題專題Muscle physiology (including energy metabolism)
1020308得獎壁報競賽101學年度弘光科技大學醫護學院專題研究競賽Enhancement of male copulatory behavior of rats by Lycium Barbarum polysaccharide administration
1011013指導專題 肌肉骨骼與關節
1011013指導專題 神經系統-下行路徑
1010329得獎壁報競賽弘光科技大學醫護學院100學年度學生專題研究競賽Effects of Ginkgo Biloba extract on the depressive-like behavior response to lipopolysaccharides in male rats
指導專題 Special sense
指導專題 Respiratory system
指導專題 Autonomic nervous system
指導專題 nervous tissue